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My First Murder

Newly minted P.I. Mavis Davis investigates her first murder case.


Mavis Davis, a likable, new-to-the-job private investigator, not only has one of the wackiest office staffs in mystery fiction, but also goes about solving her first crime in her own, independent, highly interesting way.


When no other investigators will take the case, greasy-spoon cafe owner Carl Singleton hires Mavis to solve the murder of one of his waitresses, Doris Jones, a woman with whom he has fallen in love. Mavis reluctantly takes the job but, facts are facts, and Mavis has to face the fact that she has bills to pay that serving legal papers won't cover.


Though the Houston Police Department, including Mavis' boyfriend Sgt. Ben Sorensen, get in her face and try to discourage her, Mavis dives head first into the case. She learns there is scandal deep in the heart of Texas. She only hopes she can uncover it before it's too late for her.