In these frightening times, with corona viruses springing up—that includes the really scary Covid 19—emphasis has been on washing hands and disinfecting surfaces, and that's really important. However, we should also be diligent about protecting our families from food that may have come into contact with people who have been exposed to a virus.
Some people suggest simply rinsing your produce under the faucet prior to eating. Others say spraying with white vinegar and rinsing prior to eating will disinfect. (This will clean but not disinfect.) When I lived in Mexico, there were vegetable and fruit washes on just about every corner. They're a bit harder to find here and not always effective, though if it's easier for you, certainly use them liberally on your fresh produce.
For a home solution, I suggest the following recipes:
For most fruits and vegetables: mix together 4 cups water, 1 cup white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Fill your spray bottle with this solution and spray your fruit or vegetables liberally (you will want to put your produce in a colander in your sink). Wait about five minutes. Rinse with cool water and scrub thick skinned produce with a brush. Pat dry.
For leafy greens: fill a large bowl with 4 cups of water, one cup of white vinegar, a tablespoon of salt. Soak the greens for five minutes. Rinse completely with cold water. Dry thoroughly because wet greens decay faster in the refrigerator.
Of course constantly be diligent about scrubbing your hands with soap and water for two verses of Happy Birthday. And use disinfectant to wipe down surfaces with which strangers may have had contact.
If you're holing up in your house for any period of time, all of my books are available inexpensively as e-books. Simply go to www.susanpbaker.com for the links.
Stay safe!