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Self Care Tips

Self care tea, bath salts, and flowers on pink marble

I collected bits from magazines and newspapers I've been reading. I'm including a few of them below:


Morning pickup - Lemon in the morning - sip 16 oz. of water mixed with 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice (30 min. before breakfast, if possible). This allegedly will cut tiredness, brain fog, and body aches by 45% in one week. Lemons have d-limonene that encourages tissues to release toxins. The water dilutes them so your kidneys can excrete them. I've been drinking lemon water for quite a while. I don't measure it, but will now, though I add lemon to my iced tea later in the day.

Help for thyroid slowdown - 1 tsp. seaweed a day can help thyroid function by 35%. Seaweed gomasio can be sprinkled on food instead of salt if you don't want to eat seaweed.

To be peppier - 20 grams of protein for breakfast can give you more energy and make you feel stronger all day. 3 whole eggs, 1 cup Greek yogurt, or 1 cup oatmeal with ½ cup nuts.


Teeth whitening - the natural combination of xylitol (which increases saliva) and activated charcoal makes teeth look whiter. (Whether this actually makes them whiter is not clear from the article I read. Maybe it's a matter of semantics.) Tom's of Maine Peppermint activated Charcoal Toothpaste contains this. I haven't tried it. I just bought a tube, and if you're curious, contact me in 3 months.


Cracked skin - combine 2 tbsp. Ground oatmeal with 2 tbsp. water. Rub onto dry hands and rinse after 10 minutes.


Memory problems - a cup of tea a day whether black, green, or oolong can help lower the risk of mental decline by up to 50%. Tea protects nerves from amyloid protein damage, which is a toxin that accumulates in the brain.


Thinning bones - eat ½ cup of leafy greens, 6 oz. of Greek yogurt, or ½ cups of nuts every day to get silica, boron, lysine, and magnesium which stimulate cells to build new bone tissue.


~~these hints derived mostly from Women's World Magazine

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